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Boxing is a great part of sports and constant practice can make anyone good at it. It does not matter if it is done by a professional or someone who just loves boxing; it is an amazing workout that will keep anyone fit.

Here are a couple of tips for anyone who wants to be good at boxing; be it for fun or as a sport.

Join a boxing club

Being around people with the same focus and energy helps to keep a person motivated. This will aid the aspiring boxer to learn new skills from experts and others who are training for the same purpose.

Get to know the boxing basics

Before starting any workout sessions with a coach or boxing expert, it is important to learn the basics about boxing. Not like there is any need to be perfect at it before real lessons but knowing the basics can help increase the learning process. Some of the basic terminologies to learn include; jab, cross, uppercut, hook, and southpaw. Judi Bola provides the best live updates and games for gamblers.

Add other workouts to training sessions

Keeping the body physically fit is an important factor every boxer needs to know, learn and do all the time. This includes taking intensive cardio and weight training exercises. This makes the boxer more swift and flexible while in the ring.

Always find time to rest as well in-between the exercises and training as there is a need for the body not to over wear off. For anyone who missed watching a match; catch up on all interesting boxing matches on Judi Bola.

Begin the athlete diet program

As an athlete, whatever is consumed is pretty important as all boxers equally need to follow a strict customized meal plan. All workouts without a perfect and healthy meal plan mean nothing. Boxers need to consume more protein, especially chicken, and fish. 

Apart from protein, healthy fats are also needed; fats like avocado, olive oil, and even nuts. All these nutrients need to be consumed in balanced proportions.

Work on endurance levels

When it comes to boxing, the endurance level is not just about cardiovascular movements; any aspiring boxer has to work on leg and shoulder endurance. With leg endurance, the boxer has to learn how to be moving about for long periods since it is required on the ring.

While shoulder endurance has to do with punches and defense which is one of the most important drills to follow. So it is necessary to work on the speed bag and arm endurance drill as well and more regularly so the system adapts to it.


Boxing is fun and can be taken as a sport or a profession. All one needs to do is to learn the necessary skills and practice more often to master all the essential skills. Practice makes perfect and most importantly learn to eat healthily.

Jonny Stapleton

Irish-boxing.com contributor for 15 years and editor for the past decade. Have been covering boxing for over 16 years and writing about sports for a living for over 20 years. Former Assistant Sports editor for the Gazette News Paper Group and former Tallaght Voice Sports Editor. Have had work published in publications around the world when working as a freelance journalist. Also co-founder of Junior Sports Media and Leinster Rugby PRO of the Year winner. email: editoririshboxing@gmail.com
