
The Best Boxing Games 2024

In the fast-paced world of gaming, the virtual boxing ring has seen some remarkable contenders over the years. Whether you’re a fan of intense action, and strategic gameplay or just love stepping into the shoes of your favourite pugilist, the gaming industry has something to offer. Join us as we explore the top boxing games of 2024 that are sure to pack a punch.

1. Fight Night Champion 2:

Kicking off our list is the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved “Fight Night Champion.” This game promises an immersive experience with improved graphics, realistic physics, and an expanded roster of legendary boxers. With a career mode that lets you rise through the ranks and face off against iconic opponents, “Fight Night Champion 2” is a must-play for boxing enthusiasts.

2. Esports Boxing Club:

Stepping into the virtual ring with a fresh take on boxing simulation is “Esports Boxing Club.” Boasting stunning visuals and a vast array of customisation options, this game puts you in control of your boxing destiny. With an extensive roster of both current and past boxing legends, “Esports Boxing Club” is set to be a knockout title for fans seeking realism and depth in their gaming experience.

3. Creed: Rise to Glory:

For those who want to feel the adrenaline of stepping into the ring alongside the iconic Rocky Balboa, “Creed: Rise to Glory” is the perfect choice. This VR boxing game offers an immersive experience, allowing players to train with Rocky, face formidable opponents, and chase the glory of becoming a boxing legend. With intuitive controls and intense virtual reality visuals, this game is a knockout for VR enthusiasts.

Square Ring Board Game:

If you’re looking to take a break from virtual screens and embrace the tactile joy of board games, the “Square Ring” board game is a fantastic option. This strategic and engaging board game allows players to build their own stable of fighters, navigate the world of professional boxing, and compete for championship belts. “Square Ring” captures the essence of boxing in a tabletop format, providing hours of entertainment for both casual and hardcore board gamers.

Punching Reels::

For a more grown-up audience who occasionally enjoys casino games, why not try “Punching Reels,” one of the most popular online slots? This thrilling slot game is all about combining the excitement of boxing with the thrill of spinning reels. With symbols featuring boxing gloves, championship belts, and iconic fighters, “Punching Reels” delivers an immersive experience for fans looking to test their luck in the casino world.

As we step into 2024, the world of boxing games continues to evolve, offering a diverse range of experiences for players of all preferences. Whether you prefer the realism of a simulation, the intensity of virtual reality, the strategy of a board game, or the excitement of a slot game, the gaming industry has something for every boxing enthusiast. Get ready to put on your gloves and experience the thrill of the virtual ring with the best boxing games of 2024.


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
