Fury May Pay The Price

David Price has a rescheduled bout with Big Bad John McDermott on January 21st in Liverpool and is then looking at taking on the British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Fury.
Fury was knocked down for the first time in his career by a big right hand during the second round against Nicolai Firtha but he then secured victory in the third with some big shots that put the Canadian down Twice.

“Fury is the British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion and I respect him for that but after I get past John McDermott on January 21st 2011 I will be out to prove a point.

“I beat Fury in the amateurs and I will beat him in the Pro’s and I just hope that both promoters can get this fight on but it is up to the board of control to sanction this fight.
I give Tyson Fury credit. To get up off the canvass and go on to win the fight takes a lot of heart and courage and I hope he shows the same guts by taking me on, this is a fight that British public want and deserve”. Said David

Frank Maloney watched Fury take on Nicolai Firtha and was not that impressed and believes John McDermott beat Tyson fair and square in the first fight.

“ I know Price carries the ammunition in both hands, so no judges will be needed, just a ref to count to ten”. said Maloney

“ I once resurrected british boxing with Lennox Lewis and took him to the top and I believe I can do the same with David Price and if Mick Hennessey want to sit down and negotiate a deal for this fight I am more than happy.

“ Mick has done a fantastic job with Fury but I am not sure he wants his golden egg cracked.”


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