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Strap Reason- ‘Avoided ‘ Sean McComb believes WBO belt will tempt big names

Sean McComb [14(5)-1(1)] believes he will increase his chances of tempting a big-name fighter to break bread with him if he can bring the WBO European title to the table.

‘The Public Nuisance’ has been seeking steps ups but found it hard to secure a named opponent since his Commonwealth title fight defeat last year.

The popular Belfast southpaw was linked with everyone from Ohara Davies to Dalton Smith and even Lee Reeves in recent months, only for none to get off the ground.

He claims ignorance when ask why none came to fruition, pointing out he was willing and ready. However, the former amateur of note believes such fights may be easier to make if wins the WBO light welterweight title on the big Conlan Guerfi fight this weekend.

“I think [a title win is] long overdue and it would mean recognition going into 2023,” he tells Irish-boxing.com.

“It will be massive in terms of future fights and having something to come to the table with.

“I don’t know why the fights I was linked with didn’t come off but it was nothing to do with my end that’s all I focus on is my own sh*t. Like I said above a title will give me recognition, a good TV platform will also do that. I hope this slings me forward to big names and into a position where I’m not avoided.”

Standing between McComb and a first professional strap is Zsolt Osadan [23(15)-0-1], a fighter with an extremely solid-looking record.

“I know he’s unbeaten and is a tricky southpaw,” he comments. “He’s quite small and very similar to Jazza Dickens who I’ve been fortunate enough to have spared with during this camp to help prepare for him.”

Speaking about how happy he is to be trading leather for a strap McComb adds. “I always had an idea it would be a title, I just wasn’t sure what one. Lee Eaton promised me a title fight and with him working closely with Jamie Conlan they both delivered.”

Photo credit – Mark Mead.


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