Ray Moylette Responds to Victor Rabei Call Out
Ray Moylette [12(5)-1(0)] says he is happy to dust off his dancing shows and share the floor with Victor Rabei [11(4)-0].
Within minutes of the Moldovan Dub’s manager recording victory in his first fight in over a year in Belgium last month, manager Conor Slater revealed Rabei wanted to fight the Mayo favourite.
The Slater Sports Consultancy boss said the O’Rourke’s Gym fighter wants Moylette in American and thinks the fight would be ideal for his official Star Boxing debut.
Moylette, believes he is an easy target considering his profile stateside and the fact he has one fight in three years. However, he hasn’t taken insult, rather the Pascal Collins trained former amateur of note sees it as an opportunity for himself.
Moylette told Irish-boxing.com he is willing to get it on.
“I’m always willing to fight,” he told Irish-boxing.com.
“I think it would be a very good fight. Victor is a good lad, we are in a similar position in our careers so it’s a good time too.”
Continuing on the positive note the World Youth and European Championship gold medal winner doesn’t see any real major stumbling blocks with regard to the fight getting made.
“I don’t have too many terms that need to be met. However, there is one. I’d want to make sure his team live up to their side of the agreement. That’s all.”
Moylette claims he was initially unaware of the call out because he was unaware ‘Slick Vic’ was back in action. The Murphys Boxing aligned lightweight also quite cleverly managed to reveal he has never seen Rabei as a threat without going full insult mode.
“I didn’t see the call out, it was a press release call out I believe. A publicity stunt. Three or four media outlets had the same call out paragraph, so I’d say it was planned before the fight from Victor’s team. I didn’t even know he was fighting to be honest.
“Vic is a good fighter but a well looked after fighter,” he adds before responding to questions on a previous spar.
“We sparred once a few years back but I don’t even remember how it went. It was pretty insignificant as I saw him as a threat.”
If the fight was to be made Moylette wouldn’t say no to a warm up bout. The 31-year-old Islandeady fighter has fought once since his Castlebar hosted 2018 defeat to Christian Uruzquieta and that was a tick over against Adam Walas.
As a result, before going into all Irish action for the first time as a pro, the fighter with some legendary amateur rivalries on his CV wouldn’t mind some rounds.
“I’m pretty much inactive for the last three years, so it’s easy to call me out. I’m tipping away training all the time but I haven’t been in the trenches for a while. I’d be happy to get a move-around fight before taking this fight. I’m not as young as I think I am, so no doubt there are cobwebs.”
Moylette has Boston plans outside of Rabei and is hoping to get to America to fight soon. He admits he has cut a frustrated figure of late but is keeping a positive outlook.
“I’m hoping to get back to Boston in the next few months. I know I have a lot to offer the boxing world. I’m a little frustrated with the way the last three years have gone but I know I still have one more chance left. If Victor is that chance. Well then it’s time to dust off the dancing shoes.”