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Owen O’Neill Ready to Answer Jordan Latimer’s Call Out

Jordan Latimer’s call out was music to Owen O’Neill’s ears.

Hearing the Manchester native with Sligo roots declare he wanted to take his head off didn’t get the Belfast fighter’s blood boiling, rather it got his juices flowing.

In fact, the Dee Walsh trained light middle went as far as to say he ‘loved’ Latimer’s call to arms and revealed he’s ready to go to war.

O’Neill points out he wants done with journeymen and wants to start progressing toward titles, as a result, he more than welcomes the advances of a fighter coming to take his scalp.

“I loved the call out, ” O’Neill beamed when talking to Irish-boxing.com.

“After my last fight I said I want fights where opponents are coming to win, and I want them now. He said he’s coming to try take my head off, I got a buzz reading that and his interview. It was good.”

So keen is ‘The Operator’ he is willing to grant Latimer his wish immediately.

“I would love to fight him,” he continues.

“If could definitely happen next. It’s actually the fight I want next now. Let’s hope it can get made.”

If the fight is made O’Neill is confident it would entertain and will allow him to show he has hurt capabilities.

“It would be a great fight. We are both come-forward fighters. I watched his last fight with McCormack and it was non-stop action, I love that. I want someone to engage with me, that’s where I’ll hurt people. It would be a great fight but I’m 100% the winner,” he adds.

In his first four fight’s ‘Pretty Boy’ has faced Jade Karam, John Docherty and Graham McCormack, it’s an ambitious, even brave start and one O’Neill respects.

“Fair play to Latimer he’s taken big risky fights early on in his career. You gotta’ respect that and I have to respect him. I saw him fight McCormack and it was non-stop action.”

Jonny Stapleton

Irish-boxing.com contributor for 15 years and editor for the past decade. Have been covering boxing for over 16 years and writing about sports for a living for over 20 years. Former Assistant Sports editor for the Gazette News Paper Group and former Tallaght Voice Sports Editor. Have had work published in publications around the world when working as a freelance journalist. Also co-founder of Junior Sports Media and Leinster Rugby PRO of the Year winner. email: editoririshboxing@gmail.com
