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More of the same for Irish Boxing’s Saddo Masochist Sean Murray

Irish boxing’s saddo masochist wants to continue his policy of punishment moving forward.

Sean Murray, the fighter who ‘loves’ getting hit in the face, was handed the tough debut by request at the Warehouse last Friday, taking on the tricky and dangerous Allan White in his paid bow.

The Navan man asked for the challenge having seen ‘Great’ White give Glen Byrne a test and wants to continue in the same vein.

“I asked for that fight. I was ringside when he fought Glenn Byrne. It was a good fight for me,” he tells Irish-boxing.com after his shut-out points win over Ireland’s only away fighter.

“I hope I get another 50-50 fight like that next. I want straight into another one.”

It’s not quite that Murray wants to move extra fast, it’s more that he wants to be challenged and to be in the ring with people capable of landing shots of note on him.

“I just love it. So I’m looking to continue like this and get another hard fight,” he adds before trying to explain his bizarre approach.

“I wouldn’t be satisfied after a sparring session or a fight if I wasn’t hit hard. I don’t know what it is. I just always loves taken hard hits. I laugh at them.”

There are plenty of Irish fighters in the past who enjoyed a war and taking some punishment but it was clear fan-pleasing was their motivation.

Again, JB Promotion’s Murray is different.

“It’s not for the crowd it’s for myself. A lot of people think it’s strange but I love getting hit in the face. No feeling will ever be the same as getting into the ring and getting hit in the face.”

A willingness to taste leather will mean Murray is more vulnerable to defeat than but that doesn’t concern him.

“I don’t fear getting beat,” he comments.

“If I get beat I get beat but I’d be confident I’m not going to let that happen. I’ll work harder than whoever is put in front of me.”

Reflecting further on his debut he said: “It was a valuable experience. I didn’t want someone who was just going to lie down. I wanted someone who was going to give me a challenge. This is where I want to be. I’d fight next week if I could.”

Photo Credit Mark Mead


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
