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IABA Chairperson Kirwan and CEO Carruth resign

IABA Chairperson, Ciarán Kirwan, and CEO, Fergal Carruth have stepped down from their roles within the organisation.

The IABA confirmed as much tonight in a statement with reads as follows:

The Irish Athletic Boxing Association’s Chairperson, Ciarán Kirwan, and CEO, Fergal Carruth, have today notified the Board of Directors of their resignations from their respective roles. Their decision follows the rejection by delegates of the proposals on good corporate governance at the IABA’s EGM on July 10th.

Ciarán Kirwan, a solicitor by profession, has served as Chairperson of the IABA since 2019, having served as a Director since 2014. Fergal Carruth was appointed CEO in 2013. Both men will step down on September 2nd.

Fergal Carruth said, “Having been involved with boxing all my life, serving as CEO of the IABA has been the privilege of a lifetime, especially given all the success enjoyed by Irish boxing in the ring during this time. I am delighted, too, that there are more people than ever involved in our sport. Membership has almost tripled, 25% of which is now female. There are now 350 clubs serving communities nationwide, an increase of over 100 clubs since 2013. I am leaving with more than a little regret but believe that there are those within the sport who do not recognise the importance of compliance with the highest standards of corporate governance, which are vital in underpinning the growth and development of our wonderful sport. I hope that the decision to step down may serve as a catalyst for necessary change and that the Irish boxing family finds a way to maximise its significant potential in the future.”

Speaking of his decision Ciaran Kirwan said, “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve the Irish Athletic Boxing Association over the last 9 years as a Director, and more recently as Chairperson. I am passionate about Irish boxing, having come from a family steeped in the sport. However, I believe that the requirements in terms of good governance set out by the government, and indeed the governance report commissioned by the IABA’s Board of Directors, are correct and entirely reasonable, particularly in the context of the National Sports Policy and the scale of government funding now available to sport in this country. It is time for a new voice to serve as Chairperson and I am hopeful that the impediments to the adoption of the necessary good governance changes can be overcome. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Fergal and all the staff of the IABA whose work is so vital to the continued success of Irish boxing and all of whom have been a pleasure to work with”.

The Minister for Sport and Sport Ireland have been advised of the resignations of IABA’s Chairperson and CEO. Mr. Carruth and Mr. Kirwan will be making no further comment.

The process of appointing a Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer will begin presently.”


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
