AmateurHeadline News


The International Boxing Association (AIBA) today confirmed that men will not wear headguards at the Rio 2016 Olympics.

Part of today’s AIBA statement read: “In the light of AIBA’s exhaustive medical research following the decision to remove headguards for men at the 2013 World Championships, the International Olympic Committee Executive Board has agreed to the removal of headguards in the men’s competition for Rio 2016 Olympic Games.”

“We are profoundly pleased that there will be no headguard for male boxers in Rio, added Dr. CK Wu, President of AIBA.

“It is something that has been expected by our boxers and by the boxing fans the world over. Since our very first conversations with athletes and medical staff on the issue we have been investigating the possibility of removing headguards and both our statistical research, and the feedback from boxers and coaches, shows us that this is the best outcome for our sport. It is undoubtedly a great achievement for AIBA to present our boxers without headguards at the next Olympic Games, the most important sporting event“ added AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu.

Rio 2016 will now mark the first time that the Olympics will be headguard-free (for men) in 32 years.

Picture – Irish R&J Michael Gallagher gives a boxer some “heads up” advice


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
