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Carl Frampton feels training with Jamie Moore is more scientific than under Shane McGuigan

On the face of it most would be forgiven for believing Carl Frampton had traded an Ivan Drago style training camp for that of Rocky in Rocky IV.

Having switched from a young trainer with a background in Sports Science in, Shane McGuigan, to Jamie Moore, a former fighter known best for wearing his heart on his sleeve and battling his way to victory, it would be understandable – if wrong – to believe Frampton was now partaking in a more old school form of fight preparation.

TheĀ two-weight world champ does admit his training methods have been flipped on their head in what is just his second camp with the former Irish, British, Commonwealth, and European lightweight middleweight title holder, but not in a way those easy to jump to conclusions would think.

The Belfast featherweight claims his prep for a mouth-watering clash with Nonito Donaire SSE Odyssey Arena has been more scientific and thought through – and he thinks he has really benefited as a result.

In fact, he feels the fruits of his labour will be there for all to see on April 21st in the former of a ‘big performance’.

“I genuinely believe this, and people say it all the time, but I feel a big performance coming. I really do,” said the 31-year-oldĀ on this week’sĀ BoxNation Podcast.

“We’ve got the perfect number of rounds in this time. It’s not as much as what I used to be doing two or three years ago, but it’s the perfect amount of rounds. I feel fit, I feel sharp, I’m recovering quicker in between rounds.”

“We’ve had a completely different approach, a bit more of a scientific approach. That seems to be working,” he added

To help prepare for the Filipino Flash, Frampton and his trainer Jamie Moore had 12-0 American Stephen Fulton in for sparring recently and Frampton believes he proved the perfect foil.

“I need to be patient. Especially early on. Not walking on to shots. Donaire is a terrific counter-puncher, like Stephen Fulton. Terrific sparring,”Ā FramptonĀ said of the Philidelphia puncher who returned home at the weekend.

“I have to give credit to Fulton. He stuck in there and he gave me problems – things that Donaire is going to trouble me with, maybe. I feel like this sparring has been absolutely perfect and I’m going in with the right gameplan.”

lListen to The BoxNation Podcast in full below:


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