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Court hears McGuigan ‘took cash’ to put fighters on Frampton undercard

Barry McGuigan took cash to put fighters on big televised Carl Frampton topped fight bill it was alleged in court today.

Promoter and manager Mark Dunlop told the court he gave £1,000 in cash to the former world champion to ensure his fighters secured slots on a ‘The Jackal’s’ first European title defence against Jeremy Parodi, a fight night that took place in October of 2013.

Testimony from Dunlop came as the legal action against his former manager McGuigan and Cyclone Promotions resumed on Tuesday.

Dunlop also claimed that the two fighters he had on the bill were only paid 50% of the normal commission despite selling £22,000 worth of tickets for an event that took place in Ocotber of 2013.

Counsel for McGuigan, Liam McCollum claimed the Irish boxing legend has no memory of the the cash payment and produced an email that said the two Dunlop managed fighters would be receiving standard 10% commission.

Dunlop claimed he was giving evidence because he had been approached by Frampton’s legal team after a moment of ‘loose lips’ in a boxing club recently.

Dunlop told the court he told people he had to pay to get his fighters on the bill and was contacted by counsel for Frampton about the incident.

“I wanted to have my fighters on the show… big, big event,” Mr Dunlop said. “I offered Mr McGuigan £1,000 to put the two boxers on,” he added before claiming McGuigan ‘accepted’ the offer.

Mr Frampton (33) is suing over the alleged non-payment of up to £6m in purse fees, broadcasting rights, ticket sales and merchandising during a four-year partnership that dissolved in acrimony in 2017.

A countersuit for breach of contract has been filed against the boxer. That claim involves more than £4m, it emerged at an earlier hearing.

During cross-examination, Mr McCollum put it to Dunlop that “Mr McGuigan has no memory whatsoever of any such arrangement.”

“From what you’re saying, you approached him and asked him: ‘Would you let the fighters on for £1,000?’.”

Mr Dunlop replied: “Yes, it was my suggestion, to get the fighters a slot on the show.”

Dunlop also testified he had no paperwork for either the ticket sales commissions nor the purse money.

Earlier in proceedings it was alleged a dispute over purse prompted a split from Matchroom, a split, it was suggested, that prompted McGuigan to become panicked, fearing he had done something ‘quite bad’ for Frampton’s career.

McGuigan’s former personal assistant Cherri Norman told the court things began to go ‘strange’ from 2013.

Ms Norman told the court the split came from purse conflict.

“They could agree on Carl’s purse and what Carl needed, (but) they couldn’t agree on what Barry wanted,” she alleged.

“Barry seemed to be asking for too much,” she added before alleging the move to self promote worried the Irish fight legend.

“It was probably the only time I saw him a little bit panicked,” Ms Norman said. “He was worried that he may have done something quite bad for Carl’s career.

“I think Matchroom could see there was a conflict between Barry’s role as manager and what he was trying to obviously get for himself.”

Under cross-examination by McCollum Ms Norman confirmed that she had not attended any meetings involving anyone from Matchroom.

Frampton is suing over the alleged non-payment of up to £6m in earnings.

A countersuit for breach of contract has been filed against the boxer.

The case continues.


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