AmateurHeadline News

Tipp teen to make big change following 5 years of heartbreak

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It’s been a tough few years for Clonmel BC’s Nathan Dalton.

A five-time Waterford/Tipperary champion, Dalton has been agonisingly defeated in five consecutive Munster finals.

The boxers who have triumphed over the Premier County teen read like a who’s who of underage amateur stars. Dalton has seen the hands of Gabriel Dossen, Paddy Donovon, and Jason Harty all raised at his expense.

However, rather than give up, the 17 year old has made a big decision to take a self-described ‘year-out’ where he will devote his life to boxing, training two times a day, seven days a week.

The goal? Topping the light welterweight podium at next year’s Under-18s Championships.

Dalton spoke to about the move, and admitted that “giving up seemed like the easiest option.”

Always competitive and never outclassed, Dalton follows the mantra that “everything happens for a reason, and perseverance is key for me and my success because it all comes down to fine margins.”

The determined youngster is ramping up his boxing at the same time many teens fall away as exams, parties, and relationships take hold. Dalton knows the consequences of his commitment and acknowedged that “some find it hard to dedicate themselves thoroughly to boxing as most head to college, partying, or whatever.”

“Of course it’s going to be tough but I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

“I honestly couldn’t see myself happy anywhere else than in that boxing ring giving it my all.”

Thankfully for Dalton his decision is backed by those closest to him and he explained how “I am being supported fully by family and people around me as they know how much this means to me.”

Everything is now focused on the 2017 Under-18s and Dalton feels that people will finally see him at his best, and he described how “I have the power of a welterweight and the speed of a lightweight.”

“I believe the extra training that I will do will bring me on leaps and bounds as I don’t have any distractions such as school.”

“My full focus is now with boxing and I will focus in on my diet, fitness, strength training,but most importantly my boxing.”

While it is a ‘year out,’ Dalton hopes to dedicate his life to the sport, and there is one man close to home who he looks up too. He outlined how “I hope that one day I could go into the professional ranks like my fellow club mate Con Sheehan and make a name for myself, that is the goal.”

Joe O'Neill

Reporting on Irish boxing the past five years. Work has appeared on, Boxing News,, and local and national media. Provide live ringside updates, occasional interviews, and special features on the future of Irish boxing. email:
