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Mexican Mayhem – Conor Coyle discusses crazy weekend and fighting in a rainstorm

If Connor Coyle [13(6)-0] leaves a Trip advisor review Mexican tourism could be hit bad.

There is no 5 star rating as the Derry fighter revealed it would take a lot of money to tempt him back into a Mexican ring after the bizarre events of last weekend.

‘The Kid’ traveled to Mexico for a second consecutive time in a bid to get rounds before he makes a genuine assault on the top 10 later this year – and endured his ‘craziest experience’ in a sport he has 20 years of exposure to.

The fact the 30-year-old saw a 10 round clash in the holiday destination of Cancun called off because of a rainstorm would be enough to leave the middleweight shaking his head in disbelief.

However, when speaking to Irish-boxing.com he revealed there were plenty of other happenings that let him upset.

“It was the craziest experience I have encountered in my whole 20 years boxing,” a still animated Coyle told Irish-boxing.com.

“This is my second time in two months coming to Mexico to fight. I thought Cancun was going to be different than Chihuahua, but it was even worse!

“It was literally the streets of Mexico where I weighed in and fought. Outside in 30 degrees heat, after traveling 40 hours? And to make it worse, in the second round in a rainstorm hit! It was a shambles from the beginning, and I will never step foot in a ring in Mexico again unless it was a proper high paid professional fight.”

The six rounds that did play out were good solid rounds. Stanza’s Coyle was winning but sessions in which experienced local, Edgar Ortega was making him work.

The former Roy Jones Jr promoted fighter felt he was doing enough to win the rounds despite the difficult conditions but it got to a stage he feared he may suffer as the away from home fighter.

Coyle was advised to go all out for the knockout in round six but couldn’t plant his feet to generate the kind of power that would stop a fighter than has been the distance with world level operators. Then when the fight was waved off confusion reigned and there was a genuine fear Coyle may have been robbed.

“I didn’t have a clue what was happening after round 4.

“They kept mopping the ring, and brushing all the water off the canvas. It went round by round, and my coach said ‘go out and knock him out now’ in round 6. My feet were slipping, and I’m a boxer-puncher, so anytime I tried to move or plant my feet, they slipped from under me and I couldn’t deliver much power.

“After round 6, I still didn’t know what was happening. Then they said it was going to scorecards. Which I didn’t know what to expect in a Mexican’s back yard. But gladly the judges seen my punches were much cleaner than his, and I scored most of the 6 rounds.”

Coyle is scheduled to fight Dane Ali Hussein in Germany on July 17 but is insure if that is indeed next. After the mayhem of Mexico he just wants to get back to teh States, where he believes a big TV can be found.

“I’m not sure what is next for me now,” he adds.

“We had a meeting and decided we needed to be back in America fighting again. No more fights in conditions like that.

“My visa should be granted in August, so we will get back to Florida for camp and push for a big TV fight in a few months. I’ll put details out when it all falls into place,” he continues before revealing Mexico served it’s purpose but is now a place he is done with in terms of fighting.

“I’ve got some rounds and two fights built on my record after the pandemic, so I’m itching to get fast-tracked when I have a full camp training in America, away from all distractions. Two months, two belts – 14-0.. moving on from Mexico now.”

Jonny Stapleton

Irish-boxing.com contributor for 15 years and editor for the past decade. Have been covering boxing for over 16 years and writing about sports for a living for over 20 years. Former Assistant Sports editor for the Gazette News Paper Group and former Tallaght Voice Sports Editor. Have had work published in publications around the world when working as a freelance journalist. Also co-founder of Junior Sports Media and Leinster Rugby PRO of the Year winner. email: editoririshboxing@gmail.com
