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Luke Wilton ready for “one last crack” at boxing

Luke Wilton [16(7)-5(2)-1] has finished his boxing detox and is now refreshed and hungry again.

The Belfast little man returns to the ring this Saturday night for the first time since he lost out to Charlie Edwards on the undercard of the massive Frampton versus Quigg pay-per-view event in Manchester just over a year ago.

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Whether or not the former European and British title challenger would ever come back remained up in the air for a long period. Wilton was visibly heart broken after the high-profile reverse and all but shut himself off from boxing for the six months that followed it.

However, the sabbatical has worked wonders for the 28 year old, who debuted as far back as 2008, and he feels he owes himself one more crack at the game.

A November return was postponed due to a bug, but he is eager to get back in the Shorts Sports and Social Club this coming Saturday night.

“I have been out since the Edwards fight. I was due to return in November of last year but I came down with a bug and couldn’t shift it for 10 days so I decided not to fight,” he told Irish-Boxing.com before revealing he did consider hanging up his gloves.

“I thought about retiring, but I had six months off. For six months I didn’t go near a boxing gym or watch boxing. The I just thought about having one last crack at it and how I might live to regret it if I didn’t.”

“I have got the buzz back for boxing so if all goes to plan on Saturday night I want another fight in may or June to shake the rust off, get back into fighting regularly and then I will see what the options are in terms of big fights in the future.”

After such an absence Wilton, who fights reliable journeyman Brett Fidoe on Saturday, is hoping to bank rounds in a bid to get rid of some rust.

“Hopefully people will see some boxing skills and movement this Saturday, he said. “I hope to do the distance and get rid of all the cobwebs and get back at boxing.”


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