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I’ll show I can bang in toe-to-toe battle says Warrington

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Josh Warrington wantsĀ to be pulledĀ into a war so he can prove he has power when he facesĀ Patrick Hyland at the First Direct Arena in Leeds on July 30th.

Warrington puts the minor WBC International featherweight belt on the line for the third time having been taken the distance in two challenging battles at his hometown fortress in his last two outings.

Warrington outclassed rugged Australian Joel Brunker in his first defence in September before overcoming the awkward Hisashi Amagasa in April.

Now probably facing a career-toughest challenge against Jobstown’s Hyland,Ā Warrington feels the Dubliner’sĀ come-forward style will make for an entertaining clash and an opportunity to show off hisĀ KO power.

“Amagasa and Brunker were tough nights but we got the wins,” said Warrington.

“Patrick has respect for me and Iā€™ve got a lot of respect for him. Heā€™s boxed for the World title earlier in the year so heā€™s been in with the very best and I know that this is a tough examination for me.”

“I had to box clever in the last few fights, but I think this one will be toe-to-toe. Patrick doesnā€™t take a backwards step in his fights and I think that Iā€™ll be able to show on July 30th that I can really dig and I think itā€™s going to be a great main event and one that Iā€™ll shine in.”


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