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‘I want people to believe in me they way I believe in myself’- Tiernan Bradley ready to fuel the hype machine

He debuts off the beaten boxing track in Poland, but Tiernan Bradley is planning a performance worthy of the brightest spot light come October 9.

The Omagh fighter had to get creative when it came to his pro bow and with the current pandemic compounding the troubles around an already struggling Irish boxing scene, finds himself traveling to a country that usually exports journey men to fight.

It’s not ideal, but in Bradley’s case he is just delighted to have a fight.

It also appears the perfect chance to register a win away from the spotlight. The young talent who was deemed the Irish Mayweather by Conor McGregor enters the paid ranks with a degree of hype surrounding him.

An Eastern European debut suggests he can trade leather away from watching eyes – and thus focus on the result rather than trying to look good for the cameras.

However, Bradley doesn’t see it that way. The Steven O’Rourke trained fighter seems to enjoy the attention and he wants to register the kind of display that will cause waves that reach Irish shores.

“100% I still have “put on a show” mentality,” Bradley told

“I want people to believe in me they way I believe in myself and I hope to make them proud. I’ve worked way too hard the past 18 months to just get in there and hope for a win. I’ll be getting into that ring and without a doubt showcasing what I believe sets me apart from other fighters/prospects.”

The sense of excitement is unmissable when speaking to the decorated underage amateur.

The fact he has to go on the road and debut in the not so glamorous Zajazd Korona, Al. Zdobywcow Walu Pomorskiego venue won’t detract from the sense of occassion.

“I still can’t believe that I actually have a fight date after so long turning over from amateur, to be honest I’m just extremely thankful my team made it happen and I can’t wait,” he adds.

“Never did I think my pro debut would be in Poland, I definitely wanted to put on a show for my family and friends back home. But I am in no way disappointed, I’m am lucky to even have a fight during these uncertain times, so for that I’m grateful and I know everyone will be watching back home.”

If indeed the show is streamed Bradley’s presence should boost the viewing figures. There has been a degree of hype surrounding the 23-year-old since he was a standout youngster.

Being chosen by Conor McGregor as a sparring partner ahead of ‘The Notorious” defeat to Floyd Mayweather brought about a new kind of notoriety – and no doubt people will want to look in and see what all the fuss is about.

“I think growing up in the national team and being a decorated amateur probably would suggest to people that there is a level of talent there,” He responds when asked where the added interest comes from.

“Then chosen by McGregor as a sparring partner similar to Floyd Mayweather obviously created an interest, which made people aware of me. Also I’ve fought some of the best prospects in boxing and we may even meet again,” he continues before assuring the pressure won’t get to him.

“To be 100% honest with you I don’t usually feel pressured by anyone other than myself. Growing up on a squad full of big names and fighting the best there is, you learn you can’t fold under pressure and that all you can do is let your abilities and talent do the talking for you, which is what I plan to do on October 8th. I hope to make everyone proud and I will be sure to give it my all.”

Jonny Stapleton contributor for 15 years and editor for the past decade. Have been covering boxing for over 16 years and writing about sports for a living for over 20 years. Former Assistant Sports editor for the Gazette News Paper Group and former Tallaght Voice Sports Editor. Have had work published in publications around the world when working as a freelance journalist. Also co-founder of Junior Sports Media and Leinster Rugby PRO of the Year winner. email:
