Headline News

Noely Murphy wants to build on BUI Celtic belt and challenge for Irish title

It has been confirmed that Noely Murphy [8(2)-0] will fight for a belt when he makes his Irish debut next weekend.

The New York-based Cork welterweight has his homecoming bout on February 25th in Dublin on the Red Corner Promotions ‘Unfinished Business’ card at the National Stadium and will box for the BUI Celtic title against Spaniard Avelino Vazquez [4(0)-2(0)].

As Vazquez hails from the Galicia region in Northern Western Spain, he is eligible to fight for the belt which is contested over eight rounds.

It will be a first eight rounder for Macroom’s Murphy, who stepped up to six last year. The increase in distance does not worry Murphy who told Irish-Boxing.com that “I’m excited to step up to eight rounds. It’ll be no bother to me, I’m doing it in sparring with no issues at all so I’m really looking forward to it!”

“I’m expecting a TV fight this year which would be an eight rounder so it’s great to get the experience.”

A win next week would see Murphy climb to number one in the Irish 147lbs rankings, and a clash with champion Peter McDonagh [27(3)-28(2)-1] is something which appeals to him

“The Irish title is a belt I really want so this fight is perfect for me now,” said Murphy. “Hopefully by the end of the year I can come back and win that title. I said that 2017 will be a breakthrough year and I plan to prove myself right.”

Also set to feature on the Luke Keeler v Lewis Taylor-headlined card are Eric Donovan, Lynn Harvey, Stevie Collins, Allan Phelan, Connor Coyle, Jay Byrne, Chris Blaney, and debutant Thomas Finnegan.

Tickets for ‘Unfinished Business’ cost €40 (unreserved) and €60 (ringside) and are available from the boxers involved on the bill.

Eric Donovan joins Gavan Casey and Joe O’Neill on Episode 2 of the Irish Boxing Show:

Joe O'Neill

Reporting on Irish boxing the past five years. Work has appeared on irish-boxing.com, Boxing News, the42.ie, and local and national media. Provide live ringside updates, occasional interviews, and special features on the future of Irish boxing. email: joneill6@tcd.ie
