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‘I know how you feel’ – Tony McGylnn sympathizes with dramatic Australian result mix up

Tony McGlynn showed he can take it on the chin both in and out of the ring as he poked fun at what his promoter called a ‘heartbreaking’ moment this week.

The Dubliner was the innocent victim as the Mayday Mayhem card lived up to its name for reasons nobody wanted.

‘Golden Balls’ was initially crowned the victor of a thrilling clash with Dave Ryan at the Warehouse on Friday night but after leaving the ring with the belt had to give it back, eventually leaving the venue empty-handed.

Some miscommunication and human error led to the wrong result being confirmed and after some commotion, Ryan was deservedly crowned champion.

It was a horrible moment for the JB Promotions man but one he was able to poke fun at after.

Amazingly something very similar happened to Nina Hughes who seemingly reclaimed her title and then lost it in a matter of seconds in Perth on Sunday.

Hughes’s hand was raised following a WBA title fight only for her to be brought back to the centre of the ring and where the score reveal was done again with Cherneka Johnson confirmed as the victor.

McGlynn posted a reel of the video with the comment ‘I know how you feel’.

It shows a unique ability to laugh at a tough situation, although Jay Byrne recently revealed the Dub is still hurting after the result.

On a more serious note, it’s understood, that McGlynn and his team would like the rematch, although Ryan has been eying up an Irish title fight with Senan Kelly.


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