Competition Time Again!
10 July 2008 – by Mark Doyle
No more entries for our latest fantastic competition, please, as we have drawn our winner – and he is Colin McKay of 66 Glenkeen, Poleglass, Belfast.
Colin correctly informed us that Bernard Dunne won the European title with a unanimous points win over Esham Pickering and his reward for so doing is a pair of tickets, generously provided by Brian Peters Promotions, for Saturday night’s fantastic show at the National Stadium in Dublin.
Hard luck to all of those who missed out but thanks so much for your interest and support. Also, tickets for the Dunne-headlined show may still be available on and the usual outlets.
And remember: will no longer be updated merely on a monthly basis. We will now be providing you with news, features and competitions on a daily basis so keep checking the site for more great writing, fantastic offers and brilliant prizes.