Casey ready to bully Kid Galahad

By Jonny Stapleton

WILLIE Casey takes step two on the continental comeback trail with a WBA inter continental title fight against rising English star Abdul Barry Awad in Manchester on November 12.

Having impressed by stopping teak tough veteran Daniel Kodjo in his first bout back after his world title defeat to Guillermo Rigondeaux, the Limerick fighter now takes on a fighter at the other end of the career spectrum, but one equally as dangerous.

Awad, more commonly know as Kid Galahad. has recently been billed as ‘better than Kell Brook’ and despite being a ten fight novice proves a risky fight for the former European champion.

‘Big Bang’ wanted three tough clashes before trying to regain the European super bantamweight title he vacated earlier in the year and claims manager Gary Hyde has stuck to the brief by securing Galahad.

The pint sized powerhouse believes the 21 year old Qatar born fighter will prove a stiff test, but it is test he is confident he can pass.

“Galahad is taking a risk fighting me so early in his career. I am taking a risk too. If I am honest if the reward in the form of the belt was not on the line I might not fight an up and coming kid,” Casey told Mirror Sport. “He is said to be the next big thing and I hope he comes out showing why he is tipped for the top. I hope he lives up to the name. I don’t want any easy fights. I am training for this like I would a world title fight. I am focused on the reward at the end. Hopefully I get a good 12 rounds that will help me progress.”

Prizefighter winner, Casey was a little more refined in his last outing, but he is out to bully the Kid on the under card of Tyson Fury’s next outing.

The former world title challenger is aware Galahad will be evasive and hard to hit. However he is confident he will grind Sheffield’s latest prospect down in the latter rounds.

“My plan is to beat up the Kid. It is a 12 round fight and if he lives up to his billing it will be an interesting one. He is full of trickery and skills and I know at times he will be hard to hit, but he won’t be able to run for 12 rounds. He will manoeuvre me early on but we will see who is championship material later on.”

Since signing with Gary Hyde, who also manages Rigondeaux, Casey has been targeting a European return. He wants the blue belt with significant Irish history back and he believes he is on the right fight track.

“These type of fights are great preparation for a European fight in the New Year. I want to get 12 rounds in and to be pushed. I said I want to go the European route and everything is going to plan toward that. If another world title shot comes up well and good but I am ready to fight Kiko Martinez or whoever the European champion is come the New Year.”






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