


There are some significant issues to consider when sponsoring athletes in sports. The legality of cannabis, for example, and its potential impact on athletes’ health should be addressed. Athletes may be more open to using buds from lavender cannabis seeds and other popular strains for health and performance reasons if it has been proven that it is safe. But there are also some issues that should be addressed before considering CBD or cannabis as a performance enhancer in sports.


If you are thinking about a sponsorship deal related to CBD or cannabis, there are many things to consider. First, it is important to understand the laws in your own country. Secondly, you must know if your sport has any restrictions on CBD or cannabis use, and if it does, what those restrictions are.

In most countries, cannabis and CBD are illegal drugs. The World Anti-Doping Agency has a list of prohibited substances. This is based on the presence of THCCOOH in athletes’ urine, which is an adverse analytical finding. To be safe, athletes should consult scientific literature on cannabinoids to learn more about the possible risks and benefits of cannabis.

In addition to legality concerns, professional sports leagues have been hesitant to sponsor cannabis or CBD products, citing concerns about the messaging to youth. Currently, marijuana and hemp-based CBD are not legal in every state, but the NFL has taken an unprecedented step by prohibiting players from receiving CBD products. As more sports leagues consider cannabis and CBD as alternatives to conventional medicine, a new policy may emerge.

Pain relieving properties

Anecdotal reports of athletes vaping cannabis or CBD after a game have spurred the research community to investigate the topic further. However, while athletes vaporize cannabis for a variety of reasons, the evidence for cannabis’s pain relieving properties is limited. There is also limited information on whether CBD is effective in treating post-concussion syndrome, which is a common complication of sports injuries. However, recent research suggests that cannabinoids may be effective alternatives to prescription opioids and other painkillers in sports.

In addition to providing pain relief, CBD has been shown to improve sleep, reduce inflammation, and improve athletic performance. It also relieves anxiety and nervousness. It helps athletes with their mental recovery and can be applied as a topical balm or as an ingestible. Regardless of the use, cannabis and CBD products have a variety of health benefits, making it easy to find one that fits your lifestyle.

Cannabis and CBD as performance enhancers

Using Cannabis and CBD as performance enhancers in sports is a growing trend, and many athletes are starting to consider it as a natural alternative for performance enhancement. Traditionally, sports drink ingredients like carbohydrates and sugar are used to improve performance, and this approach does have some benefits. But there have been concerns about the use of cannabinoids in sports.

Cannabis and CBD work by interfacing with the endocannabinoid system in the human body. This system regulates appetite, pain, and mood. Cannabinoids also have anti-inflammatory effects, and CBD can reduce the production of cytokines. By interacting with these receptors, CBD can dial down the alert of the immune system, enabling athletes to focus on the game.

Doping agent

While the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB have made significant adjustments to their anti-doping policies regarding marijuana, they have not embraced the idea of cannabis or CBD as a doping agent in their sponsorship programs. In fact, the NFL will not allow athletes to pursue sponsorship deals with companies that market cannabis products. The biggest barrier to the introduction of cannabis products in sports is the lack of FDA approval and piecemeal state legalization.

While many athletes claim to use cannabis or CBD to improve their performance, these athletes have not yet been clinically tested. Furthermore, cannabis and CBD are still considered illegal in most countries. While the legal status of marijuana varies from country to country, research has shown that CBD can have positive effects on athletes.

Jonny Stapleton

Irish-boxing.com contributor for 15 years and editor for the past decade. Have been covering boxing for over 16 years and writing about sports for a living for over 20 years. Former Assistant Sports editor for the Gazette News Paper Group and former Tallaght Voice Sports Editor. Have had work published in publications around the world when working as a freelance journalist. Also co-founder of Junior Sports Media and Leinster Rugby PRO of the Year winner. email: editoririshboxing@gmail.com
