AmateurHeadline NewsNews

SEVEN shoot for silver in Sunday’s Euro Semis

Seven Irish fighters will look to upgrade bronze for silver in Croatia today.

A weekend, that saw seven of the 19 strong Irish team picked to compete in this year’s European Under-22 secure podium finishes, could go from brilliant to sensational, as all Ireland’s remaining competitors look to upgrade the value of the metal that will eventually drape around their neck.

Seven Irish fighters compete in Sunday’s semi’s and will be looking to secure final berths across another action-packed day.

Niamh Fay, Kaci Rock, Lisa O’Rourke, Dylan Eagleson, Jack Marley and Paul Loonam will all trade leather in final four matches.

Ireland Squad:


48kg Nicole Clyde

50kg Caitlin Fryers

52kg Daina Moorehouse

54kg Niamh Fay

57kg Zara Breslin

63kg Eve Woods

66kg Kaci Rock

70kg Lisa O’Rourke

75kg Aoibhe Carabine


48kg Padraig Downey

51kg Clepson De Santos

54kg Dylan Eagleson

57kg Jake Mc Mahon

60kg Paul Loonam

63kg Shamie Mc Donagh

67kg Barry O Connor

71kg Darragh Gilroy

92kg Jack Marley


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
