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Quillin wants Irish fight fan love

PETER ‘Kid Chocolate’ Quillin will be public enemy number one in terms of Irish boxing fans over the coming week.

The New Yorker is going all out to take one of only two of the country’s current World titles as he bids to dethrone WBO middleweight Champion Andy Lee.

However, ‘Kid Chocolate’, who vacated the WBO belt rather than defend against Matt Korobov  the fighter Limerick’s Lee defeated to claim the strap, wants some Irish love.

Quillin, who challenges Lee on April 11 in new York, claims he fights for more than the people of his native city or country or Cuba the birth place of his father, rather he represents people the World over.

“I do not want the Irish fans to dislike me,” he told Off The Ball. “I would like the Irish fans to be fans of the sport and to know that I’m not just fighting for blacks. I’m not just fighting for Cubans. I fight for the world, I fight for the children, I fight for cancer.. for all the good thing that inspire people to be great at what they do.

“And I just hope they can be fans of this fight — regardless of a winner or a loser. That they can just respect that we go in there with our two hands to be able to fight for what we believe in. I just told you what I believe in and I hope people support me for the right reasons.”


Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
