McKenna: I have found my power in Philly
TYRONE McKenna has found his power in ‘Philly’. The Philadelphia based Belfast fighter registered a second consecutive stoppage win last week to push his record to 5-0 in the Ring of Dreams Gym.
The fighter who started his career content to out box and out point his foes has now developed a killer instinct of late. McKenna claims his recent stoppages come from a mix of finding power and a more cut throat approach in America.
“I think it is a little bit of both finding power and the fact they like a more aggressive approach here,” McKenna explained when asked out his knockout wins.
“I’m becoming more relaxed in the ring as a pro and picking nicer shots so with the accuracy and sitting down on shots more people are seeing the power I have,” he added before discussing his fifth win.
“I went out the first round to feel him out just working behind the jab and I caught him with a nice combo that hurt him. I put a bit of pressure on him and he went down, then in the second I started using more combos and closing him down and put him down two more times when the ref called it to a halt.”
After waiting eight months for fight number four, McKenna has now had two fights in three months and he hopes to make it five before the year is out.
“I’m looking to get two more fights before Christmas. I have one booked for the seventh of December and I am trying to work on getting one set up for mid November. I’m back to training already so I’m ready to fight again whenever the date arises.”