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McGuigan: Hearn should get in touch in if he wants to get Frampton v Quigg on

BARRY McGuigan has all but told Eddie Hearn to stop being a Twitter Twat and get in touch if he is serious about making a massive Carl Frampton versus Scott Quigg clash.

Hearn indicated he would like to make the clash after Quigg’s successful WBA title defence in Manchester last Saturday night and took to Twitter to further express his desire to see the fight.

The Matchroom boss, who promoted The Cyclone Promotions stars European title fight against Kiko Martinez amongst bouts previous, said he would take the fight without options, but would like a rematch clause should ‘The Jackal’ win.

Cyclone CEO and Irish boxing legend McGuigan reaffirmed Frampton’s desire to fight the Bury puncher and said he would gleefully agree to the bout. The former World champion, who will promote a show withĀ Jamie Conaln, Marco McCullough and ConnradĀ Cummings in Belfast on May 24,Ā admits there are some TV issues and Team Frampton previously stated that they would like the contract to be option free.

However he is open to working out a deal that suits both parties and when speaking to the Daily Mail told Hearn to get in touch if he wants to get it on.

McGuigan seems to have his reservations about Hearn’s intentions claiming that the Matchroom boss feels Frampton would stop his man, but said if he is serious about the clash he is more than willing to sit down and discuss terms.

ā€˜He keepsĀ  twittering that he wants this fight for Quigg but the social media is no way toĀ  conduct serious negotiations. Certainly not for us.

Ā ā€˜Eddie did makeĀ  one early offer to us but it was derisory. I invited him to meet with usĀ  immediately for sensible talks but he said he had to go abroad for anotherĀ  fight. So I suggested an appointment the following week… but he never cameĀ  back to us.

ā€˜Since then heā€™sĀ  kept saying in public how eager he isĀ  to do this fight but weā€™ve stillĀ  heard nothing from him. We would beĀ  delighted to get it on but do they really, really want it? I doubtĀ  it,” McGuigan told the Mail.

“Quiggā€™s a goodĀ  fighter but Carl is special and I believe he would knock him out. I suspectĀ  Eddie thinks so, too.

“We areĀ  caught upĀ  in the cross-fire of rivalry between two television networks,Ā  BoxNation whereĀ  Carl is appearing, and Sky, with whom Eddie has anĀ  exclusive deal and who donā€™tĀ  want Quigg to fight on another channel.

ā€˜But I have toĀ  make it known that Carl will gladly fight Quigg if they are willing to doĀ  it.ā€™


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