Manny’s boys

17 November 2010 – Jonny Stapleton

Irelands Wild Card prospects Dean Byrne and Jamie Kavanagh believe sharing a gym with pound for pound ring king and boxing legend Manny Pacquiao will help them achieve at the highest level in the fight game.

The former Crumlin amateurs see the Philippine congressman in action on a daily basis and claim witnessing the six weight world champion first hand is nothing short of inspirational.

Byrne, who returns to action in America on December 3, and Golden Boys Kavanagh have hailed eight time champ, as one of the greatest ever after he dismantled Antonio Margarito in Dallas on Saturday night.

And the undefeated and talented pugilists are hoping even a fraction of the Pacman success rubs off on them. Both Wild Card fighters have also paid tribute to the trainer they share with Pacquiao, Freddie Raoch and are confident his expert guidance can lead them to boxing greatness.

Having a boxing figure like Pacman too look up to really benefits you, 20-year-old Kavanagh(3-0) explained. Seeing someone train so hard it definitely rubs off on you and makes you want the same for your own career. When you see him fight and the way people love him, its then you sit back and realise, that you spar and train with the best boxer in history, he added before Byrne (13-0)had his say.

I knew Manny was going to win on Saturday. Manny trains so hard. He trains harder than anyone else and that inspires me to do the same. I learn from the best fighter and trainer in the world. Their success definitely rubs off on you. One day I will be champ too because I get to see what it takes and I know I have to work hard. Like me Manny just walked in to Freddies gym and it all happened for him . I believe the same can happen for me.

Despite heralding Pacquiaos genius both took time to highlight the influence Roach has had on the Philippines success.

Freddie Roach brings out the great in fighters, added Byrne. Look at Chavez in his last fight with Duddy. Then look at Khans last few fights under Roach. I am benefiting from working with him too.

Kavanagh echoed the sentiment, Freddie is the best trainer in the world he has not only demonstrated with Pacman but lots of fighters. I would love to have Mannys success but it takes a long time him. Freddie and Manny have had years together, but hopefully in the future I can emulate their success.

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