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Harrington, Walsh and Brennan win awards at Olympic Ball

Kellie Harrington, Aidan Walsh and Emmet Brennan were honoured by the Olympic Federation of Ireland at the Olympic Ball.

The ball, which took place at the Mansion House, Dublin, last night, to recognise the achievements of all Team Ireland athletes at the Tokyo Olympic Games. The black tie event was also a homecoming for Team Ireland athletes competing at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Beijing 2008 Summer Games silver medallist, boxer Kenneth Egan, was among those to share his Olympic experiences with the gathered athletes.

A series of accolades were bestowed, to recognise the special contribution to sport, and the notable achievements of Irish Olympians.

The Permanent TSB Spirit of the Summer Olympics Writers’ award was awarded to boxer Emmet Brennan for his embodiment of the spirit of the Olympics throughout the Games.

The Permanent TSB Spirit of the Winter Olympics Award was a joint award given to Seamus O’Connor (Snowboarding) and Brendan Newby (Freestyle Skiing). Cross Country Skier, Thomas Maloney Westgaard was awarded the Deloitte Special Recognition award for the Winter Games.

Dr James O’Donovan, Team Ireland Chief Medical Officer at the Tokyo Games, picked up the Deloitte Special Recognition Award for the Summer Games.

 The Allianz Rising Star award was bestowed upon swimmer, Mona McSharry, who made history in Tokyo when she became the first Irish swimmer in 25 years to compete in an Olympic final.

The final award of the night was the Indeed Award for Excellence, and all Olympic medallists from the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games were recognised – including Tokyo lightweight champion, Kellie Harrington, and bronze medallist, Aidan Walsh.


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