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Eddie Hearn shares interesting Katie Taylor – Chantelle Cameron backup plan

Katie TaylorChantelle Cameron III in May is the ideal scenario – but if it can’t be made Matchroom have an interesting backup plan.

Speaking in Edgar BerlangaPadraig McCrory fight week Eddie Hearn assured Taylor will return to Dublin on May 25, but couldn’t yet confirm who will man the opposite corner.

The Matchroom Chairman revealed the three-peat was still the preferred fight and is the clash the are looking to make. Indeed, he seems confident talks will come to a positive conclusion very soon.

However, if for some reason a deal can’t be reached, Hearn has an interesting alternative. They would then promote the two-weight undisputed champion of the world against one of her mandatories at the 3Arena in May before looking to go out doors in Ireland later in the summer.

Speaking to Colm McGuigan of IFL TV Hearn said: “Hopefully we can get the Taylor – Cameron fight done. Ultimately we go in to make the Chantelle Cameron fight and we’d like to do that in May. We may have an interim fight and then look to do an outdoor event at the back end of the summer but our focus is on Taylor Cameron. If not it will be one of her mandatories but thats the fight we want to make. We are not looking to go in another direction if the money makes sense and is right for everyone we’d love to do it.”

When asked if Vegas could be an option if Taylor had to go an alternative route, Hearn assured, “No it will be in Ireland on May 25.”

Dublin, Ireland – November 26: Katie Taylor v Chantelle Cameron, Undisputed Super-Lightweight World Title Fight. 26 November 2023 Picture By Matthew Pover Matchroom Boxing Katie Taylor wins. seen with Eddie Hearn

Cameron has said she wants the fight and has expressed a desire to avenge her sole career defeat, suffered at the gloves of Taylor in November.

However, she has been clear she wants to be paid to return to Ireland for a third time.

Rumour also suggests Cameron’s next fight is the last on her Matchroom contract, something which is complicating negotiations. It’s been said Eddie Hearn and co don’t want to provide the former champion the chance to win the titles back without any safety measures in place.


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