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Derry bound Donny says McDonnagh should be ordered to vacate or defend Irish title

Galway Super Middleweight Alan Donnellan is delighted to have been added to the undercard of Eammon Okane’s IBF Inter- Continental Middleweight Title fight on Saturday in the Lavey Centre, Maghera, and Derry.

Donnellan was offered the chance to fight tough Hungarian in Jozsef Racz (W3 L3) after the withdrawal of Belfast’s Ray Ginely through injury.

‘Donny,’ 27 see’s the opportunity as another stepping stone towards his life-long dream of fighting for the Irish Super Middleweight Title, a strap for which he is the mandatory challenger.

The Mark Dunlop managed Westerner said “JJ McDonagh has not defended his title in over three years which is a joke and beyond me how the BUI have not ordered him and his promoters to make a defence or vacate and move on”

The contest on Saturday night will see Donny fight in his 11th pro contest with a respectable record that reads seven wins and three defeats. The 27 year old will also be in action on Saturday 6th June in the Devenish Complex on the MHD Promotions card.


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