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Collins full of praise for Harvey ahead of her pro debut

Celtic Warrior Gym boss Paschal Collins was schooled in an old school environment.

Collins served his training apprenticeship at the Petronelli’s Gym in Brockton, home of none other than Marvin Hagler, under Goody Petronelli and admits there was a ‘mans world’ feel and approach applied by the Pertronellis.

Not views Collins himself holds and come this Friday night he mans the corner of a female pro for the first time in his coaching career as he oversees Lynn Harvey’s debut, and the coach revealed he has been nothing but impressed with former Irish amateur champion since she joined the gym.

 “I tell you what, it is exciting to have Lynn here,” Collins told Irish-boxing.com.

“When I was in America women’s boxing was all a bit unheard of. Goody Petronelli was more-or-less old fashioned, and I never saw it in the gyms over there. If girls came to the gym Goody would shoot them down straight away and say ‘this isn’t the place for you’.

“I have different views than that and everyone, male or female, deserves an opportunity, and I tell you what, in terms of Lynn, she is a very fast learner and her work ethic can’t be questioned. She is a very hard worker plus she is clever and determined and you never hear her complain. I am really excited about what she can do and I am really looking forward to her debut.”

With Collins growing roster of fighters – Spike O’Sullivan, Stephen Ormond, Luke Keeler, Ian Tims, Jono Carroll and Niall Kennedy are all active Celtic Warrior Gym punchers – he oversees rather than directly works full time with Harvey.

Daniel Sullivan, who has been learning his coaching trade at the Blanch Gym, has more one-on-one involvement with the ambitious new pro.

“Lynn is up here in the gym the last number of months. She is actually working with Daniel Sullivan, who assists me here. I oversee everything, but he works with any fighters starting off here at the gym because there is more times I will be away with camps and fights abroad, so we need someone to fill the gap while I am away with my style of training and pad work.”


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