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Siobhán Ní Laoire to bring Style and Substance to the pros

Siobhán Ní Laoire has what it takes to become an instant fan favourite beams manager Stephen Sharpe.

Boxing Ireland have just added the Limerick-living Kerry lightweight to their stable and the Dublin-based half of the promotional company believes they have a real gem on their hands.

Sharpe is confident the the Corpus Christi graduate has real fan appeal and stresses the boxing fraternity are going to love what she brings to the ring. 

“Boxing fans will like her, they will like her boxing style and they will like her attitude,” Sharpe told Irish-Boxing.com.

“The reaction she received was incredible and I’ve no doubt she will quickly become a fan favourite. It was an easy decision for us to work with Siobhán, we are always 100% honest with fighters before we sign them.”

“No promises that we can’t keep, just that we will work hard, work together and do are best by Siobhán and she was happy with that,” he added.”

Working with the former Munster and Intermediate champ increases the chances of Boxing Ireland bringing a show to the West and Limerick in particular.

With Ní Laoire and ticket-seller Graham McCormack both based in the county, a regional show is a real option for 2019. 

It could prove an entertaining Limerick double act and adding the Killarney puncher to the growing Boxing Ireland team was McCormack’s idea.

“I have known about Siobhán for a while, Graham McCormack had been telling me about her as they train together in Functional Fitness in Limerick,” explains Sharpe before revealing it didn’t take him long to be impressed by the new pro’s ability and determination.

“Siobhán had a very successful run in the amateurs and I’ve known for some time she hits like a mule, giving the Limerick lads hell sparring and I had enquired a couple of times what her plans were.”

“Graham then informed me that Siobhán was seriously contemplating a switch to the pro-ranks and was weighing up her options. I met her in Limerick a few weeks ago and was instantly impressed by her attitude and commitment.”

“I knew she had boxing ability but that’s not all, Siobhán has substance, she is a highly intelligent, articulate and as determined as the come.”

siobhan ni laoire

While Sharpe, who works alongside Len Gunning in promoting the Celtic Clash series, is confident his new charge has the ability to do well in the pro ranks, he does warn there is some learning to be done under new coach Eddie Hyland [pictured].

“Siobhán hits hard and she has good technical ability. As part of acquiring her professional licence Siobhán was required to participate in a spar while being observed by the Boxing Union of Ireland and the feedback she received was impressive.

“But like anyone switching to the pro ranks she has work ahead of her and no doubt Eddie Hyland will soon have identified a list of flaws to be ironed out. Eddie is doing an incredible job developing his fighters and I’m excited to witness Siobhán’s development over the next year or two.”

The lightweight will train alongside the likes of McCormack, BUI Celtic title holder and upcoming Irish title challenger Carl McDonald, and Darren Cruise in the SBG gym and Sharpe is confident it’s the best place for her to learn her trade.

“The focus now for Siobhan is to get into the gym with Eddie and begin preparing for her debut which we will announce soon. Then it’s about applying the same approach as we have with all the rest of our fighters, building up their experience one fight at a time.”


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