Price is wrong for Rogan

12 January 2011 – Jonny Stapleton

Martin Rogan claims the only reason he wont get in the ring against 6ft 8in heavyweight prospect, David Price is because a bout with the Liverpudlian would represent a step back at this stage of his career.

Prices promoter Frank Maloney claimed the Belfast fighter and the majority of British heavyweight names have been frightened into turning down an offer to go head to chest with the giant puncher.

But The Iron Man has dismissed suggestions he is running scared of the Olympic bronze medallist stressing he plans to move up and not down the boxing ladder since returning from a year long injury.

The former Taxi driver is determined to deliver heavyweight title success and will most likely try and get himself back into world title contention via the European route.

Former Commonwealth strap holder, Rogie is adamant he wont be bullied into action and will finalise a 2011 plan of attack along with his new manager Brian Peters over the coming week.

Rogan also suggested that fear may not be a factor behind the more renowned fighters decision not to face Price, hinting instead the that the purse price may not have been right.

It is very simple. Myself and manager have other plans. We will not be ordered by anyone into any fight, Rogan told

What does Martin Rogan fighting Price achieve for me ? He has done nothing nor beat anybody. I already proved I would fight anybody but beating Price wouldnt benefit me. He holds no titles at all.

Frank must not be offering enough to tempt fighters to fight him. If he is so confident and feels so strongly about getting Price a test let him take him to Germany or America.

If he is a world beater take him out of the British domestic scene. I am managed by Brian Peters we have our own plans for the coming year, but the best of luck to Price.

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