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No Ohara Davies distraction for Tyrone McKenna ahead of Benson battle

Tyrone McKenna [16(6)-1(0)-1] has assured Lewis Benson [10(2)-1(0)] he isn’t thinking about ‘boring’ Ohara Davies and is focused on destroying the Scot.

Both light welterweights return from first career defeats to fight each other in an intriguing clash in Glasgow on November 30th with Belfast’s McKenna having been outpointed by Jack Catterall on the Mick Conlan Homecoming with Benson losing by Johnny Coyle earlier on the same bill.

In the early build up to a fight that could alter both’s career trajectory and ‘Kid Caramel’ has warned McKenna against thinking about a clash with long-time target Ohara Davies.

However, the call out king claims that, much like Benson, Davies no longer brings anything to the table and he has no interest in fighting the contraversial former Matchroom and current Frank Warren fighter.

‘The Mighty Celt’ revealed Davies fell off his radar after he too lost to Carl Frampton, Steven Ward and Conrad Cummings stablemate, Catterall, and stressed that he only thinks about ‘destroying’ the Scot.

“I am not focused on Ohara Davies. He just got beat. He is boring inside the ring and boring outside it. I am not bothered with him no more,” McKenna told IFL TV.

“I would take it because I don’t like him, but it does nothing for me. He is boring. He doesn’t talk shit in his interviews anymore and he is boring inside the ring. In his last fight he just put everyone to sleep.”

“I am focus on Lewis Benson, focused on destroying him.”

McKenna, who also cheekly claimed Benson’s family and friends would be turning up to watch him, suggests his former sparring partner is similar to Davies in that he doesn’t really help him career-wise.

With no title on the line and having suffered defeat it’s not a clash, claims McKenna, that can propel him forward. Indeed the former BUI Celtic champion claims he only took the BoxNation-broadcast fight at the Emirates Arena because it gives him the chance to look good against someone above journeyman level.

“This fight does nothing for me nothing for my career but it’s going to be a comfortable fight for me, a fight where I look good. He is a good boxer, I am not going take that away from him.”

“He fought a good fight against Coyle but I believe there are levels and I am a good few levels above him,” he added before stating he reads nothing into the pair’s previous spars.

“Some days I am bad at sparring. Maybe you had a session the day before and you can’t spar as well. You never know whats happening in the spars it’s when it comes to the fight who rises to the occasion and I always rise to the occasion.”

Watch Tyrone McKenna’s interview with iFL TV in full below:


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