McCloskey in the dark over rematch

1 July 2010 – By Cormac Campbell

European light-welterweight champion Paul McCloskey could square off with Italian rival Guiseppe Lauri for a second time, if media reports are to be believed.

It has been reported that the EBU has ordered a second clash between the duo despite the Irishman having KOed Lauri in the 11th round at the Kings Hall last month.

Speaking to McCloskey said that he was somewhat in the dark over the news.

Ive heard nothing official, but I should be sitting down with Matchroom in the next week to ten days so I should know then, he said.

It would be a bit like going over old ground, but if that is what I have to do then that is what I have to do. It isnt a learning fight anymore so ideally I would like a stiffer test.

If it does happen it would be a different fight. He dragged me in the last time but when I boxed it was so easy Id be a lot crisper the next time.

Despite getting dragged into a war in June, the Dungiven native won himself countless fans for his display of guts and in the end chilling power.

I fought a fight that pleased the crowd but not (coach) John Breen or myself. The injuries have healed up, I had a nice holiday and I will start back into light training like skipping or shadow boxing in the next week.

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