Khan:McCloskey wanted cash not glory

Amir Khan claims cash and not world title honour was Paul McCloskey’s motivation when the pair met last March.

‘Dudey’ was more interested in lining his pockets than buckling the WBA world light welterweight title around his waist according to the IBF and WBA Super champ.

The slick southpaws disgust and heartbreak at a shockingly premature stoppage proves winning and dethroning ‘King Khan’ were certainly on the McCloskey agenda. However, Khan says actions speak louder than words and has criticised the former European champion for six relatively inactive rounds.

Khan argued the John Breen trained fighter just ran from danger and boasted the fight was one of his easiest pay days.

Speaking to the Boxing News Annual Khan claimed:
“McCloskey has is a horrible style which makes it hard. I tried my best but I just couldn’t get going against a guy who didn’t want to fight. He didn’t come to fight. He probably just came to survive and pick up the money, which I think is wrong,” Khan explained. “He had the opportunity to fight for a world title and in my eyes he didn’t really want to take it. Every time I attacked him he just ran away. So I had to do everything. I had to attack first, counter first, move back first and he just wasn’t throwing anything.  It was so boring.”

A lack of an eye catching support card ensured the lack of Sky Sports support for the show and they decided to not to air what was initially billed as a pay per view event.

British boxer of the Year, Khan however believes the Derry fighter and not his team should bare the brunt of the blame for what turned out to be a heavily criticised fight.

“People can say what they want but I made a lot of money in that fight. To me it was an easy fight. It was a walk in the park, but it paid well. Maybe the reason Sky didn’t want to show that fight was because I was fighting McCloskey. He is not a big name so more of the blame goes to McCloskey because if he was a more of an opponent maybe Sky would have taken it.”

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