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Katie Taylor “looking forward” to taking on outspoken rival

Katie Taylor [7(4)-0] will make Jessica McCaskill regret the words of her outspoken coach Ricardo Ramos on December 15th.

Team McCaskill accused the new WBA lightweight champion of the World of ‘disrespecting’ women’s boxing earlier this year and have been vocal in their desire to fight the Bray native.

As well as claiming US #1 McCaskill wanted to fight the London 2012 gold medallist when speaking to the the42.ie in July, coach Ramos also claimed the Matchroom fighter wasn’t helping the game by bemoaning the lack of quality fighters willing to trade leather with her.

“I felt like Katie disrespected women’s boxing by telling all these ladies they have to step up. She’s supposed to be here to help women’s boxing, and I don’t feel like she is,” said the Chicago coach.

Speaking in Dublin, promoter Eddie Hearn revealed the CasKILLA may just get her wish and may feel the wrath of a disgruntled Taylor when she becomes the first women to headline a Sky Sports show this December in London.

The Irish sporting is as likely to trash talk as Conor McGregor is to go into a fight without verbal fanfare, and certainly won’t admit to wanting retribution. However, Hearn, who revealed he contacted McCaskill’s team about making the fight for December 15th, believes Taylor will carry real ‘spite’ into the fight if it’s made.

“Hopefully its Jessica McCaskill, she has been talking it up and will look silly if she doesn’t take it now,” Hearn commented regarding Taylor’s first defence.

“We could build that one, there is interest in it and hopefully we could see some spite from Katie, but she is so quiet- ’till the bell goes. She won’t trash talk, but I think already she is thinking that ‘I would quite like to fight this girl.'”

“It’s the first time and maybe the only time that we actually get a little bit of that. Her trainer talks a lot, Ricardo Ramos. She said ‘your saying you can’t find opponents, but I am here waiting’. I messaged Ramos so we will see.”

Taylor, who arguably has done more for female boxing than any other, claimed regardless of what was said that she wouldn’t resort to trash talking, but did admit that she felt the ‘disrespectful’ comments were unfair.

“I thought that was really unfair. I want to be involved in big fights. I want women’s boxing to get to that next level so how can you say it’s disrespectful when you want to see the best fighting the best. That is all I was saying really.”

“I’m looking forward to the day I step into the ring with Jessica, seriously,. She hasn’t left me alone for the last year!”

“She’s a great fighter as well – it definitely will be a tough fight – but these are the fights that I want, and this is a fight that’s definitely going to interest the public as well.”



Integral part of the Irish boxing community for over 13 years
