Frampton: Quigg is getting that desperate he is making up stories

SCOTT Quigg is getting so desperate he is making up Carl Frampton fairy tales,claimed ‘The Jackal’ himself, before reiterating there would be no Quigg happy ending if the pair ever fought.

Speaking on Ringside last week the WBA interim title holder suggested the former former European Champion has been dropped in sparring on a number of occasions, indicating he could emulate the feat if the pair were ever to meet in the ring.

Frampton, who has stated similar, but with more confidence over the years, laughed of Quigg’s claims and hit back by saying he hopes the Bury fighter doesn’t get found out before he gets the chance to stop him.

Frampton who is preparing for his Final Eliminator for the WBC World title against Cazares told the Belfast Newsletter,

“They must be desperate if they are making up gym stories. What he said was complete rubbish. He also had a go at Cazares being a light flyweight. Cazares has been fighting as a Super-bantamweight for the last few years and he is the number one challenger for the WBC title.

“That is why I am fighting Cazares, because if I beat him I am next in line to face WBC champion Leo Santa Cruz. I just hope Quigg stays unbeaten so we can meet down the line, but I doubt it because when he steps-up, he will get knocked out.”

Here is what Quigg said on Ringside:

 “He goes on about my main weakness being my chin.

“I’ve never been put down in sparring – unlike someone, who’s been put down with head shots and body shots. I am talking about him!”
