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DIFFERENT ANIMAL – Fight Week Frampton raring to go

Carl Frampton admits he becomes a bit of a different animal as fight night approaches.

He’s still ‘The Jackal’, but the Belfast featherweight has more bite as a lead-in heats up.

Frampton challenges IBF champion Josh Warrington tomorrow night in Manchester, live on BT Sport Box Office and ESPN+.

It hasn’t been a bombastic build-up to the fight at the Manchester Arena but it has definitely been niggly and more barbs are being thrown recently.

Frampton notes how “personally, I think I become a bit different in my demeanour in fight week.”

“There’s nothing fake about it. You’re not eating as much, you’re away from your family and the fight is coming.”

“I suppose every fighter is the same but something changes inside me – not only on the night but in the week leading up to it.”

While he is never one to shy away from a confrontation, Frampton states that he is reactionary in this regard and explained that “whether there’s bad blood all depends on what my opponent says and how he reacts.”

“I just say what I’m thinking at the time. I’m not going to allow myself to get wound up, which is what they’re after.”

While his demeanour will always change during fight week, camp is completely different.

Now training at the VIP Gym in Manchester having left McGuigan Gym, Frampton outlined how “I’ve been involved in big camps for big fights but I’m enjoying this more because of the team I’m with.”

“I genuinely enjoy their company and being around Jamie Moore and the boys in the gym. It’s good fun and it’s a friendly atmosphere to train in. It’s been one of my favourite camps, if I’m honest.”

“Jamie is a good trainer and I want to show him that there’s so much more not just from me but for our gym. I want to win this fight convincingly.”


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Joe O'Neill

Reporting on Irish boxing the past five years. Work has appeared on irish-boxing.com, Boxing News, the42.ie, and local and national media. Provide live ringside updates, occasional interviews, and special features on the future of Irish boxing. email: joneill6@tcd.ie
