
Carl Frampton’s rematch with Leo Santa Cruz

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Carl Frampton’s rematch with Leo Santa Cruz is getting boxing fans really excited. All boxing matches are inherently exciting. However, some of them are going to be more exciting than others, and it is really hard to top the excitement that is going to come from a champion boxer trying to settle the score literally. Carl Frampton’s rematch with Leo Santa Cruz is something that is going to draw fans of both of these boxers, but the fans of Leo Santa Cruz are going to be particularly excited.

Leo Santa Cruz’s only real loss has been to Carl Frampton. Both of them are about the same age and they actually have similar success records. Carl Frampton has the reputation for being one of the toughest fighters working today, so it is not as if Leo Santa Cruz lost to someone who was not impressive. Still, for many fans of a boxer like this, a loss of any kind is something of a black mark on a record, and for them, this is a fight where Leo Santa Cruz could truly set the record straight. Some people might be eager to get to the year 2017 just on this basis alone. They want the opportunity to see Leo Santa Cruz get another chance at glory.

This is a crowd that is going to be full of Irish people who are eager to see their favorite stars in action, and they might even see this match as being a sort of representation of national pride. People tend to project those sorts of meanings onto these games, for better or for worse. Websites like the All Slots Online Casino and many other online gaming casinos are going to be full of people who are eager to bet on this match.

It should be noted that betting on a boxing match is going to be different from other forms of sports betting. The odds really are fifty percent for each player here. Betting on team sports gets very complicated, given the number of players involved and the number of factors to consider. For some people, this makes team sports betting really exciting. For other people, it makes the whole thing too much of a numbers game, and the visceral thrill is disrupted somewhat.

Boxing matches are about as visceral as it gets. When people eagerly await an all slots online casino promotion, they are seeking out all of these visceral thrills in a very convenient package. A sports match like Carl Frampton’s rematch with Leo Santa Cruz will truly appeal to the people who are really excited about being able to bet on something that has such steep odds. There are only so many factors to consider with a rematch like this. These are two young and talented players who are both really eager to protect or restore their reputations, and only one of them can win. Carl Frampton’s rematch with Leo Santa Cruz is going to have a lot of people on the edge of their seats before 2017.

Joe O'Neill

Reporting on Irish boxing the past five years. Work has appeared on irish-boxing.com, Boxing News, the42.ie, and local and national media. Provide live ringside updates, occasional interviews, and special features on the future of Irish boxing. email: joneill6@tcd.ie
