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Carl Frampton questions Josh Warrington’s credentials ahead of title clash

Carl Frampton admits that Josh Warrington will pose a tougher test than he previously thought – but is not blown away by the new IBF featherweight champion.

‘The Jackal’ will challenge Warrington this December, with a date and a venue in England to be confirmed, and he feels the Leeds boxer may be being overrated somewhat.

Warrington won the title in May with an upset points win over Lee Selby which saw him dethrone Frampton’s former rival.

While it was big win, no doubt, Frampton points out that there are extenuating circumstances.

The Belfast 31-year-old outlined how “Warrington’s best win was against a weight-drained Selby, who has left featherweight and gone to lightweight for his return, which tells you a lot.”

“Warrington still couldn’t get rid of him and I would also look back to the trouble he had with Kiko Martinez, who was done.”

Frampton, currently enjoying some off time following his Windsor Park win over Luke Jackson earlier this month, believes he is above Warrington and is keen to prove this in the ring.

The Jamie Moore-trained puncher wants to box off 2018 with a world title – almost two years on from losing the WBA belt in his Las Vegas rematch with Leo Santa Cruz.

Frampton [26(15)-0] described how “it’d be a huge moment for me to become world champion again having been written off by so many after the loss to Santa Cruz and everything else I’ve been through the past couple of years.”

The two-weight champ acknowledges that Warrington is in form but is adamant that his class will tell.

Frampton noted how “some people see it as a more difficult fight than maybe they first thought a year ago – including myself, mainly because of the face he has beaten Selby so I’ll have to be physical and mentally at the top of my game.”

“He’s unbeaten and full of confidence but I just feel – as I said going into the Jackson fight – that I’m a level above Warrington.”

Photo Credit: Ricardo Guglielminotti – The Fighting Irish (@ThefIrish)


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Joe O'Neill

Reporting on Irish boxing the past five years. Work has appeared on irish-boxing.com, Boxing News, the42.ie, and local and national media. Provide live ringside updates, occasional interviews, and special features on the future of Irish boxing. email: joneill6@tcd.ie
