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Risk taker Kurt Walker happy to better boss Conlan

“100%, sure I battered him!”

That was a joking Kurt Walker’s jovial response when asked if he’d bettered his managers performance against Yader Cardoza at the SSE on Saturday gone.

Walker [5(1)-0] had just navigated a tough early test, out pointing a fighter than caused Conlan Boxing boss Jamie Conlan some problems back in 2017.

The fact Cardoza is four years older and a few weights up the scale have to be taken into account when weighing up the performance, but so too does the fact the Canal BC fighter took on the Nicaraguan very early in his career.

It’s the second sizable step up the Olympian has taken in a busy first year as a pro, having already fought, Marcos Martinez in Belfast in August – and Walker believes he has proved he is risk ready, an approach he is determined to hold onto going into 2023.

“He was tough, it was a good win for me,” Walker said after his win.

“I have stepped up in each fight. I fought that Argentine on the last Belfast card and stepped up again on this bill. He dropped Jamie and was definitely heavy handed.

“I have shown I am willing to take risk, obviously I don’t see them as high risk for me as I am confident I beat these guys, but they are step ups. Going forward it’s going to be more of the same. I am ready for eight rounds.”

Taking time to reflect on his Michael Conlan undercard win, the Booth Gym 27-year-old said he was more than content with his display. Walker also revealed it was a win he had to work for.

“I said it after the first round it was like hitting a block of wood. His guard wasn’t moving at all, so I had to bring the faints in. He was dangerous too I had to be switched on at all times. That’s the hardest I’ve hit someone, I don’t usually try to hit hard or load up but I hit him and he was just taking them. He was tough.

“He was a just a wee lump so I couldn’t get anywhere until I fainted to the body brought his guard down then got the left hand off.”

Photo Credit Mark Mead.


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